
Israeli Scientists Solve Erectile Dysfunction with Low Intensity Electric Shock Therapy

  • Haifa Medical has now developed an in home version of LISWT ultrasound pulse wave technology to cure erectile dysfunction. The device can be used in the privacy of your own home.

  • While the ability to reverse erectile problems has changed the entire industry, It’s been very difficult to find a provider, and financially unfeasible. Those days have past, the solution is now both real, and affordable.


Low-energy shock waves, unlike drug treatment, can actually reverse the problem, claims Haifa study


A shock wave to your privates can be far more effective for erectile dysfunction than Viagra or Cialis, a study by Rambam Medical Center in Haifa has found.

 Men, worry not: These are very, very low-energy shocks, each delivering roughly 100 bar of pressure.

"We can really reverse erectile problems with this," researcher Yoram Vardi, head of the neuro-urology department at Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, told the LiveScience Web site.

Taking Viagra or Cialis can help men, but only as long as they take the pills. Rambam's shock-wavetherapy helps patients function without need for medication, Vardi told the site.

Their theory began with the knowledge that low-intensity shocks can stimulate the development of new blood vessels. It was not perhaps that far a reach to figure out that such shock waves could help men grow new blood vessels in their malfunctioning organs.

In four-fifths of cases, erectile dysfunction stems from cardiovascular problems.

It is clear that the potential market is vast, despite potential squeamishness for having electricity applied to one's gonads.

The shock is delivered by a device that comfortingly perhaps looks like a computer mouse. The scientists report that even though the trial consisted of applying about 300 shocks over three minutes to the penis, the men didn't complain of side effects or pain. It helped 15 of the 20 testees, Vardi said.

At first I noticed the Viagra becoming far more effective. Now I don’t even use it anymore.
— Eric, 67
Ill be uncomfortably straight forward. My erections are harder, longer, and thicker than ever before. AMAZING
— Danny, 40
As someone in my early 30’s, this has been a god send. So grateful that I wont need pills for the rest of my life.
— Curtis, 31
I’ve tried it all, from pharmaceuticals to invasive surgery. After about 5 weeks of treatment, I’m blown away. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart.
— Charles, 79

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